Jane Poynter is the Founder and Co-CEO of Space Perspective, the world’s first carbon-neutral human spaceflight experience company providing unprecedented access to space. Poynter founded the company with her business partner of more than 30 years, Taber MacCallum. She was a member of the Biosphere 2 design team and the original crew who lived for two years inside the sealed, self-sustaining habitat, where she led the agriculture system, providing food, oxygen and drinking water for the eight-member crew. Prior to Space Perspective, Poynter and MacCallum founded World View, a stratospheric balloon company focused on remote sensing and communications. She was also formerly Co-Founder, Chairman, and President of Paragon Space Development Corporation that has environmental control technologies on every U.S. human spacecraft including the International Space Station. . Google executive Alan Eustace chose Paragon to realize his dream of breaking the world freefall record, previously held by Felix Baumgartner and the Red Bull Stratos team, in what was called the StratEx project. In 2014, the StratEx team flew Eustace to 136,000 feet to become the highest flying human under a balloon. Eustace is a founding board member of Space Perspective. Poynter has received multiple awards, including the Entrepreneur of the Year award from the National Association of Female Executives, worked with the World Bank and United Nations on climate change-related projects, and has given keynote speeches at events globally, including her TED Talk.