David Hamilton Nichols is an American speaker, author, investor, and producer. David was born as fourth generation of a prominent California farming family.
David is best known as a renowned global investor. In addition to his industrial and retail real estate holdings, he has built a portfolio of fast-growing and award-winning startups focused on impact that
range across the Americas, Europe, Oceania, Asia, and Africa. These startups span diverse sectors from climate change and renewable energy, to blockchain, AI, and EdTech, to healthcare in Africa, to name a few. He has served as board member and advisor in many companies. He is also an advisor to Alpha
Impact 8 venture capital fund. For his work, he has been featured in media, including Entrepreneur, The Jerusalem Post, and Yahoo Finance. David was awarded Global Impact Champion 2020-2021 by India
Needs You (INY) for his efforts in the space of impact investing to build a better world. He was named among the “Top 10 Investors And Investment Companies To Follow In 2022” in the International Business Times and was listed as one of “10 Influencers to Follow in 2022” (across multiple publications).
A popular international speaker, David has addressed varied audiences, from giving keynotes on economy and climate change at the college and university level in India to being a panelist on business partnerships and the UN Sustainable Development Goals at the Nobel Peace Center during Nobel Prize Week. He has keynoted on impact investing for the United Nations Association (Young Professionals). He
has presented, along with other business and world leaders, at the annual global meeting of the independent, international think tank Horasis. He has been a family office summit speaker for multiple organizations and has presented on blockchain and crypto in varied venues. He also has had extensive past experience across the United States as a transformational speaker in the personal development field, including speaking at some of the largest spiritual expos and presenting at a hospital.
David is a published poet and article writer and is currently finishing writing a book with the working title Mastering the Madness: Live Your Best Life, and Create a Better World.
David is producer and executive producer on multiple independent entertainment and media projects that have been delayed or disrupted because of the effects of COVID-19 on Hollywood. On some of these, work is being done to resurrect them. His projects include documentaries, feature films, and series, some of which are looking toward solutions for the world’s greatest problems.
David is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). In this prestigious honor, he joins a host of illustrious individuals over the centuries including Charles Dickens, Benjamin Franklin, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, Tim Berners-
Lee, and David Attenborough.
David is an Eagle Scout from his youth in Boy Scouts of America, which he accomplished in the short timeframe of under 2 years.
David currently resides on a ranch in Southern California with his three Nigerian dwarf goats Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. He enjoys the outdoors and hiking in nature, and he appreciates adventure sports. He recently took up skiing, having never put on a pair of skis before that.
David’s website is DavidHamiltonNichols.com, and he can be found on all social media under David
Hamilton Nichols / @davidhnichols.